In my last post, I blogged about how to use Artillery to run Load Tests from Azure Container Instances. Artillery is easy to use and Azure Container Instances offer a low cost and easy way to run containerized load tests. If cloud-based load tests are cheap and a great way to test your architecture, how do you get the most out of them?
I have worked with teams who create custom load tests and run them a few times … then simply forgot about them. In other cases, the load tests were being run from a VM that someone provisioned and only they knew how to use. That person was asked to run load tests all the time and they became a bottleneck in process. Lastly, it was easy to mix up test cases. Which tests ran when? Triggering load tests manually meant we made mistakes and without source control we had to trust that the right test parameters were set.
Running load tests from a pipeline is a great way to ensure that:
- Any member of the team can kick off a load test
- There is traceability on when/which test case is being run
- They run frequently and they are consistently maintained by the team
I like to run my load tests nightly. This means, I start the load tests from a pipeline that runs roughly at midnight each weekday. Once the load test completes, the results are sent to the members in the team. Often times, during the daily scrum meetings, we pull up load test results and quickly point out abnomalities.
Azure DevOps
Create a pipeline and add a step to build and publish you load test to an Azure Container Registry.
- stage: Build and Run
- job: build
displayName: Build and Push
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
command: buildAndPush
containerRegistry: $(ACR.ContainerRegistryServiceConnnection)
repository: gaunastressyou/hello-load-test
buildContext: .
Dockerfile: Dockerfile
tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
- is the name of a service connection to an Azure Container Registry. Here’s more instructions on how to create one.
Then add a step to run the name Azure CLI commands you can use locally.
- job: load_test
displayName: Running Load Test
- task: AzureCLI@1
azureSubscription: '[ subscription name ]'
scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
inlineScript: 'az group deployment create -g $(LoadTest.ResourceGroup)-n $(LoadTest.ContainerGroupName) --template-file armdeploy.json --parameters loadTestName=$(LoadTest.Name) artillery-environment=$(Environment) artillery-file=$(LoadTest.File) image=$(LoadTest.FullImage) acrName=$(ACR.Name) acrResourceGroup=$(ACR.ResourceGroup) timeStamp=$(LoadTest.RunId)'
Lastly, configure a scheduled trigger for the pipeline
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
displayName: Nightly Load Test
- master
All Together
- master
- cron: "0 0 * * *"
displayName: Nightly Load Test
- master
# ========================================================================
# Mandatory variables
# ========================================================================
ACR.ContainerRegistryServiceConnnection: [ conatiner registry service connection name ]
ACR.Name: [ container registry name ]
ACR.ResourceGroup: [ resource group name]
Service.Dockerfile: Dockerfile
Service.Name: api-load-tests
Service.Repository: gaunastressyou
LoadTest.Counter: $[counter(format('{0:yyyyMMdd}', pipeline.startTime), 0)]
LoadTest.Date: $[format('{0:yyyyMMdd}', pipeline.startTime)]
LoadTest.Tag: $(LoadTest.Date)-$(LoadTest.Counter)
LoadTest.Name: hello-world
LoadTest.ResourceGroup: hello-world-rg
LoadTest.ContainerGroupName: $(LoadTest.Name)
LoadTest.File: load.yml
LoadTest.RunId: $(LoadTest.Tag)
LoadTest.FullImage: $(ACR.Name)$(Service.Repository)/$(Service.Name):$(Build.BuildNumber)
Environment: dev
- stage: Build and Run
- job: build
displayName: Build and Push
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
command: buildAndPush
containerRegistry: $(ACR.ContainerRegistryServiceConnnection)
repository: gaunastressyou/hello-load-test
buildContext: .
Dockerfile: Dockerfile
tags: $(Build.BuildNumber)
- job: load_test
displayName: Running Load Test
- task: AzureCLI@1
azureSubscription: '[ subscription name ]'
scriptLocation: 'inlineScript'
inlineScript: 'az group deployment create -g $(LoadTest.ResourceGroup)-n $(LoadTest.ContainerGroupName) --template-file armdeploy.json --parameters loadTestName=$(LoadTest.Name) artillery-environment=$(Environment) artillery-file=$(LoadTest.File) image=$(LoadTest.FullImage) acrName=$(ACR.Name) acrResourceGroup=$(ACR.ResourceGroup) timeStamp=$(LoadTest.RunId)'