Building and pushing a container to a registry with environment/git commit tag
One way to implement promotions in GitOps is to have the operator deploy images published with a prefixed environment tag. For example, if you want your operator in your staging cluster to deploy only images ready for staging, you can configure it to watch for images published with the tag stg-[commit id]
Regardless of GitOps, this is quick guide on how to publish an image to a container registry using a combination of a environment/git commit tag. We will be using Azure DevOps.
First, define a variable with a service connection to a container registry. While you’re at it, also define the name of your image.
Registry.ServiceConnnection: [the name of your service connection]
ImageName: [the name of your container image]
Then, you want to use the Docker@2
task to build and push and tag all at the same time. It’s nice and easy this way.
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
command: buildAndPush
containerRegistry: $(Registry.ServiceConnnection)
repository: $(ImageName)
buildContext: .
Dockerfile: Dockerfile
tags: |
Now the next trick is to have a variable that changes value by stage. You could add a stage per environment (e.g. stage, prod).
Stages support variable definitions as well, so it’s just a matter of defining variables at the stage level. This will let you have distinct values based on the environment.
Using this approach, define a DockerTag
variable that is composed of another Environment
variable and a pre-defined pipeline variable for the Git Commit Id.
Environment: stg
DockerTag: "$(Environment)-$(Build.SourceVersion)"
So, putting it all together, looks like this:
Registry.ServiceConnnection: [the name of your service connection]
ImageName: [the name of your container image]
- stage: build
displayName: Build and Push
Environment: stg
DockerTag: "$(Environment)-$(Build.SourceVersion)"
- job: job_build
displayName: Build and Push
vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'
- task: Docker@2
displayName: Build and Push
command: buildAndPush
containerRegistry: $(Registry.ServiceConnnection)
repository: $(ImageName)
buildContext: .
Dockerfile: Dockerfile
tags: |
That’s it!